Hilton Head Harbor

About the Sigma Chi Hilton Head Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter

Whether we just graduated from college, are busy building our career, or enjoying those golden years of retirement, we all remember the true Brotherhood we experienced in the Sigma Chi Fraternity during our college years.  It is our desire for Brotherhood Beyond College that brings us together in the Hilton Head Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter.

Our group began in 2018 with an informal lunch meeting of 8 – 10 local Sigma Chi alumni. The group met informally for lunch several times in 2018-2019 with a few more Sig alums joining us each time. In late 2019 we applied to Sigma Chi National for recognition as an Alumni Association, and in January 2021 we were approved as a fully recognized Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter.

We invite Sigma Chi alumni to join us at one of our bimonthly lunch meetings or social events.

Kim Arn, then-President, presented a copy of our Charter to Dr. Charles (Chuck) Duvall, Founding President of our Chapter, at our November 2021 meeting.Kim Arn, then-President, presented a copy of our Charter to Dr. Charles (Chuck) Duvall, Founding President of our Chapter, at our November 2021 meeting.
Hilton Head Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter assembled

The Spirit of Sigma Chi

The Spirit of Sigma Chi, as conceived by the Founders more than 169 years ago yet visible and alive today, is based on the theory that

  • friendship among members sharing a common belief in an ideal and possessing different temperaments, talents and convictions,
  • is superior to friendship among members having the same temperaments, talents, and convictions, and that
  • genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the principle of individuality or sacrificing one's personal judgement.